Moments of Clarity

Photography, like all two-dimensional art forms, is accessible through a single sensory channel, sight or seeing.  One can feel the music or touch the sculpture, literally, but except perhaps inside the darkroom where an emerging image can be smelled, one needs vision to interact with a photograph.

Seeing is thus inextricably linked to photography, both before, during, and after its creation. And, more generally, seeing is one of the most ubiquitous metaphors in our culture.  To see is to know, to apprehend, and to understand.  But, when our seeing is obscured or our vision is clouded, we lack complete comprehension or insight.    Just occasionally, we do see clearly.  However for many of us, these unfiltered glimpses of reality comprise rare moments that, no matter how ephemeral, draw us into a closer connection with the world and life itself.

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